Rabu, 30 September 2009

Simplex gallery ,blogspot template for photo gallery site

There are a newer version for this template . The download link is provided in this post.I also made a F.A.Q for this template .Check it hereI always believe that blogspot and wordpress are the easiest publishing platforms for everyone . And they can do any task a website base on other platform can do .I go around some photo gallery websites ,some of them base on PHP and the others base on Flash

Label cloud for blogspot

Label cloud is now available in blogspot . Instead of modifying template code ,now we can add this function to blogspot easily .When you add label widget to your blogspot ,there's an option for list and cloud appearance . Choose cloud and click save .Now blogspot will display your labels as cloud . and here is result .

Disable right click on blogspot

Many blogger don't like their unique content copied by any others . To prevent copying content in your blog ,the easiest way is disable right click on blogspot . I know this method is very simple and it can't prevent professional copiers . But it's still a good one .This widget is very simple to install into your blogFollowing are the stepsStep 1 > Go to Template -> Page Elements.Step 2 > Add a

How to sent a trojan horse virus as txt file

Hello Friends Today I am Going to Explain you that How to Send Trojans as a Text Files that will execute your desired codes..AS you all know that .exe is a Executable File and can run a Code .In this Guide I will teach you How to make a .txt executable that can run all of your codes binded or crypted behind it.What is a trojan horse?A Trojan horse, or trojan for short, is a term used to describe

adding signature to your blogspot posts

If you like the look and personalization of having a signature like this:at the end of your posts, try this:Go to My Live Signature. Click on "proceed" and "create signature".Follow their instructions .When you finish ,you will get your own signature on PC . The whole process to create signature online is very interesting and fun :))Save your final product in PC and upload it to image hosting

Sticky post in blogspot

If you want readers to see a particular post ,message ,announcement when they visit your website ,you need to make this post sticky post .To make a sticky post ,you can do several ways ,you can edit the template for showing a specific post ,or easier ,changing post date.Change the Post Date MethodPosts in blogspot is ordered as time order . If you change your post date to a future date like the

Selasa, 29 September 2009

How to bypass antivirus detection of keylogger

In my previous post "Which spyware keylogger to choose" i told you about best keyloggers and spywares availible now a days to hack email accounts,but after that i received huge amount of email and readers asked me that is there any way to avoid antivirus detection while installing a keylogger remotely.so today i will tell you about a software,by which you can bypass antivrus detection while

Buyblogreviews is a good place for blog advertising

Internet has become the most important media to get and read information from around the world. As time goes by, now Internet also becomes one of the best places to promote and sell the products as well as looking for some money by doing online businesses. Getting some money through online business has been started since a few years ago and many people have been successful in doing this business.

Senin, 28 September 2009

Perbaikan Kabel Data Ti-Phone 6080 dan semua phone yang sesuai

1. Kita mengumpulkan beberapa bahan dan peralatan yang di butuhkan seperti kabel data yang rusak, solder, tenol dan isolasi, konektor baru2. Buka konektor kabel data, dan potong kabelnya. Buka lapisan kabel sekitar 1 cm dan akan di dapatkan 4 jalur warna yaitu hitam, merah, hijau, putih.3. Kelupas tiap jalur kabel sekitar 1 mm. Dan jangan lupa kasih tenol di pucuknya, biar pada saat penempelan

Skip orkut capacha while posting links

Most people complain me about the capacha which appears while we post a link.Well how many times we have been annoyed for sending a few links to our friends and have faced the problem of filling up captcha again and again. but not any more now we can send links without any captcha filling on orkut ...Captcha filling is employed by websites to stop spam, but with this hack spammers will be having

working version of iCarousel

I want to make an image gallery for blogspot templates .I found icarousel script can do this work quite well and it's exactly what I need . ICarousel is javascript written on Mootools framework and it can make carousel effect likes widgets . Here is the demo of icarousel and here is documentationI spent all day time trying to apply this script to my template but I got no result . It didn't work

unsur-unsur intrinsik pada cerpen

1. tema adalah sumber gagasan / ide cerita atau gagasan pokok yang dikembangkan menjadi sebuah karangan.2. alur adalah ururtan peristiwa sebab akibat yang menjalin sebuah cerita. Alur ada 3, yaitu: alur maju, alur mundur dan gabung (campuran alur amju dan mundur)3. tokoh adalah pelaku dalam cerita. Tokoh dibagi menjadi 3, yaitu :~ protagonis (tokoh utam) tokoh yang bersifat baik.~ antagonis (

Minggu, 27 September 2009

Hack your friends account password

Learn to hack your friends acount passwordwell THis trick will only work if your friend has saved his password, it allowes you to have a look at all the Username and Password which your friend had asked my computer to remember which also included my Internet Username and Password. But this is only possible in Mozila Firefox and google chromeHack your friends account passwordTo Hack your friends

Sabtu, 26 September 2009

The easiest way to create related posts for Blogspot

Showing related post at the bottom of each post will help your reader find more information related to the topic . It's also helpful in SEO and indexed in search engine .In Wordpress ,there are many way to create related posts list and its accuracy is high ,but in blogspot , related post function is based on label of post so in some case ,I think the result is not as you want . But it can be

pengertian browser

Browser merupakan program atau software yang digunakan untuk surfing atau menjelajahi internet. Browser juga biasa digunakan untuk mencari informasi, gambar, lagu, video, dan bahkan sekarang browser juga bisa menghasilkan uang lhow!!! (tapi ntar aja saya ajarkan).Macam-macam software yang digunakan browser:1. Internet Explorer (IE)2. Mozila firefox3. Netscape Navigator4. opera.Sebenarnya semua

pengertian WAN

WAN merupakan jaringan komputer yang mencakup area yang besar. Sebagai contoh yaitu jaringan computer antar wolayah kota atau bahkan Negara, atau dapat didefinisikan juga sebagai jaringan computer yang membutuhkan router dan saluran komunikasi public.WAN digunakan untuk menghubungkan jaringan local yang satu dengan jaringan local yang lain, sehingga penggguna computer dilokasi satu, dapat

Jumat, 25 September 2009

How to install a keylogger remotely

In my last post keylogger to hack password:aradamax keylogger i told you about aradamax keylogger and its features.I was asked by many of my readers that "How to install a keylogger remotely" well today my post will give you complete information on How to install a keylogger remotelyNote:If you want to attach the keylogger to an existing file, go ahead and place that on your desktop.How to

10 Free File Storage Websites

We need file storage service to back up and transport files . Instead of using an USB flash drive ,we can upload files to internet and send links to my friend . There are many website offer storage service ,but most of them ask for money . I’ve had a look around for the best in online file storage, offering the user

Naruto 466 RAW Spoilers and Predictions

NARUTO 466 │ BLEACH 376│ ONE PIECE 559ONE PIECE 559 (17 Pages) is up now! Read OnlineNaruto 466: Battle Behind Closed DoorsCLICK Images to Enlarge Status: CONFIRMED SPOILERby: Nja-2ChSummary:by: Shounensuki466: The great battle behind closed doors!!The Mizukage leaves her seat: "At least, I will give you a kiss that will melt your heart"¹Karin

Numinous Prediction: Naruto 466 (Against All Odds)

NARUTO 466 │ BLEACH 376│ ONE PIECE 559It has come to our attention that some weblogs are using same blog title “NARUTO Manga and Spoilers” and same nick, “Naruto Addict". We are not in anyway connected with them (except RSS feed)_____________________________________________________________NARUTO Manga and Spoilers (by: Naruto Addict) is the only weblog given consent by Numinous to re-post all his

Naruto 467: "Resolve" (Numinous Prediction)

NARUTO 466 │ BLEACH 376│ ONE PIECE 559It has come to our attention that some weblogs are using same blog title “NARUTO Manga and Spoilers” and same nick, “Naruto Addict". We are not in anyway connected with them (except RSS feed)_____________________________________________________________NARUTO Manga and Spoilers (by: Naruto Addict) is the only weblog given consent by Numinous to re-post all his

The Special One Prediction - Naruto 466

NARUTO 466 │ BLEACH 376│ ONE PIECE 559It has come to our attention that some weblogs are using same blog title “NARUTO Manga and Spoilers” and same nick, “Naruto Addict". We are not in anyway connected with them (except RSS feed)_____________________________________________________________NARUTO Manga and Spoilers (by: Naruto Addict) is the only weblog given consent by The Special One to re-post

Use imeem to post music on your blogspot

Here is the demo :to post music in blogspot ,you need to find a service to host your music . In this post ,I use Imeem.com .At first ,you need to register an account in imeem.com . When you get an account in imeem available for use ,login .When you logged in your account ,click the down arrow on the right of My Home tab .In dropdown menu ,click upload .In Upload page ,if you got Adobe Air

Widget Kurs Valuta Asing

Menambahkan Widget Valuta Asing Pada Blog. Postingan kali ini masih seputar aksesoris blog dan kali ini Tips dan Trik Blog akan mengetengahkan widget kurs valuta asing. Sebenarnya widget serupa pernah Tips dan Trik Blog pada kesempatan terdahulu, di sini juga di sini. Dengan postingan kali ini, saya berharap akan memberi banyak pilihan kepada para pengunjung yang ingin menambahkan akesoris

Naruto 465 (English)

NARUTO | BLEACH | ONE PIECENaruto 465: Attack On The SummitCLICK Images to Enlargejoin 466 discussions and read predictionsjoin 466 discussions and read predictions join 466 discussions and read predictions join 466 discussions and read predictions join 466 discussions and read predictions join 466 discussions and read predictions Kakashi 's Face Revealed!!

Readmore function for blogspot

Readmore from BloggerBlogger announced readmore function is now available .To use this function , just click button in image bellow if you use new blogger editor toolif you use old blogger editor tool ,just add this code

famouse clock

When you visit London, one of the first things you will see is Big Ben, the famous clock which Can be heard all over the world on the B.B.C. If the Houses of Parliament had not been burned down in 1834, the great clock would never have been erected. Big Ben takes its name form Sir Benjamin Hall who was responsible the making of the clock when the new houses of Parliament were being built. It is

Kamis, 24 September 2009

Simple but good : 10 awesome websites in minimalist style

I love minimalist design style . And here are 10 awesome minimalist websites in the list of Uniroom .As well as some really minimal design elements, these sites contain some great grid layouts.

Google does not use the keywords meta tag in web ranking

Google made historic news yesterday by declaring they do not use the meta keywords tag. They haven't used the meta keywords tag for an incredibly long time and any "SEO" should know that.I guess they want to focus on high-quality-posts ,and preventing low-quality post or copied posts trying to cheat ranking-system by any SEO method .So there are official posts from Matt Cutts, the Google Blog

Naruto 465 RAW Spoilers and Predictions

NARUTO 465 │ BLEACH 375│ ONE PIECE 558Naruto 465: Attack On The SummitCLICK Images to Enlargejoin 466 discussions and read predictionsjoin 466 discussions and read predictions join 466 discussions and read predictions join 466 discussions and read predictions join 466 discussions and read predictions join 466 discussions and read predictions Fan Art

Naruto World: Pairings

NARUTO 465 │ BLEACH 375 │ ONE PIECE 558Zetsu-san's Poll of the WeekBest NARUTO Couple (or Pairing) NaruHina NaruSaku SasuSaku ShikaTema Sai-Ino NejiTen ShikaIno Show resultsCheck-Out All NARUTO PAIRINGS____________________________________________________________NARUTO COUPLES / NARUTO PAIRSby: Hellfire32Personally I like theseNaruHina (Love this couple, plus could really see it happening)

Naruto 465 RAW │ Naruto 465 English

NARUTO 465 │ BLEACH 375│ ONE PIECE 558Naruto 465: Attack On The SummitCLICK Images to Enlargejoin 466 discussions and read predictionsjoin 466 discussions and read predictions join 466 discussions and read predictions join 466 discussions and read predictions join 466 discussions and read predictions join 466 discussions and read predictions Fan Art

How to get a free rapidshare premium account

I get lots of emails daiy asking me "How to get a premium account for free in rapidshare" or "How to get a free rapidshare premium account"Well today i will show you How to get a a rapidshare premium accounts for free.Rapidshare,Megaupload,Mediafire etc, has become one of the most famous file sharing networks.But unfortunately most of these file sharing sites have a premium area and the services

Rabu, 23 September 2009

Releasing a new blogspot template

I made a little hack in this template ,so it can show thumbnail in sub-news section . I also upload necessary pictures to imageshack.us ,so bandwidth is not limited . I hope this helpful to you You can download new version hereDownload I believe that blogspot can do everything that wordpress can . Yes ,of course ,it need time to make the function available such as readmore ,recent post ,recent

adding visual lightbox to your blogspot

I have another post for lightbox effect ,with really working script . Check it out herelightbox is a simple effect for your blog . Here is how to apply this effect to your blogspot .Live demo in this blog1.-Download lightbox 2.0 script in here .-After extracting the zip file ,you got three folders :css ,images,and js .-Upload image to a image hosting service .-Open css file ,change the url of

Selasa, 22 September 2009

Naruto Prediction: "Memories of Deja Vu"

NARUTO │ BLEACH │ ONE PIECENARUTO Manga and Spoilers (by: Naruto Addict) is the only weblog given consent by Woo to re-post all his writings and predictions."This is just a prediction between Sasuke and Naruto's fight... nothing to do with the kages"“Memories of Deja Vu”by: wooMadara – (speaking over the dead body of Zetsu) I will miss you old friend, hmmm (looks towards the Valley of End) Deja

Naruto Prediction - "Equality"

NARUTO │ BLEACH │ ONE PIECENARUTO Manga and Spoilers (by: Naruto Addict) is the only weblog given consent by Woo to re-post all his writings and predictions.“Equality” by: wooThe fight rages on between Sasuke and Naruto. Kakashi and Yamato are up against an unusual foe.(Lightning strikes. Rain pours. Winds blows violently).Madara – The forces of nature seem to be having a battle of their

Naruto Prediction - "Changes"

NARUTO │ BLEACH │ ONE PIECENARUTO Manga and Spoilers (by: Naruto Addict) is the only weblog given consent by Woo to re-post all his writings and predictions.An unexpected twist... “Changes” by: wooNaruto emerges with the eyes of the toad sage.Sasuke – What power...(Thinking) – Naruto... You go this far for me... to bring me back. Itachi... You were a true ninja, believing in Konoha.(Flashback)

Senin, 21 September 2009

Menambah Widget Polling Pada Blog (bag. 3)

Menambahkan Widget Polling Pada Blog. Untuk menjaga “kelangsungan hidup blog”, kita perlu mengerti dan memahami sedikit (jika tidak mungkin semuanya) keinginan atau apa yang diharapkan pengunjung terhadap blog kita. Untuk tujuan tersebut diperlukan wadah tersendiri. Dan salah satu wadah tersebut adalah kita dapat memasang widget polling pada blog kita. Sebenarnya Tips Trik Blog sudah pernah

Minggu, 20 September 2009

The Special One Prediction - Naruto 465

NARUTO │ BLEACH │ ONE PIECE It has come to our attention that some weblogs are using same blog title “NARUTO Manga and Spoilers” and same nick, “Naruto Addict“. We are not in anyway connected with them.NARUTO Manga and Spoilers (by: Naruto Addict) is the only weblog given consent by The Special One to re-post all his writings and predictions.Naruto 465 Predictionby: The Special One-A candle light

Numinous Prediction - Naruto 467

NARUTO 465 │ BLEACH 375│ ONE PIECE 558 It has come to our attention that some weblogs are using same blog title “NARUTO Manga and Spoilers” and same nick, “Naruto Addict". We are not in anyway connected with them (except RSS feed)_____________________________________________________________NARUTO Manga and Spoilers (by: Naruto Addict) is the only weblog given consent by Numinous to re-post all

Numinous Prediction - Naruto 465

NARUTO 465 │ BLEACH 375│ ONE PIECE 558 It has come to our attention that some weblogs are using same blog title “NARUTO Manga and Spoilers” and same nick, “Naruto Addict". We are not in anyway connected with them (except RSS feed)_____________________________________________________________NARUTO Manga and Spoilers (by: Naruto Addict) is the only weblog given consent by Numinous to re-post all

Numinous Prediction - Naruto 466

NARUTO 465 │ BLEACH 375│ ONE PIECE 558 It has come to our attention that some weblogs are using same blog title “NARUTO Manga and Spoilers” and same nick, “Naruto Addict". We are not in anyway connected with them (except RSS feed)_____________________________________________________________NARUTO Manga and Spoilers (by: Naruto Addict) is the only weblog given consent by Numinous to re-post all

Sabtu, 19 September 2009

adding searchbox to your blogspot template

Open your template ,and insert this code where you want searchbox appear :
Another way easier . You can insert a Html/javascript widget in your site and paste the code above in the content of widget .You can customize how searchbox look by adding

some cool widgets for your blogger

there're some widget for blogger I think very useful .It expand blogger functions ,and help you connect your readers . They are all free . Check it out :AddThis : Sharethis or Addthis social bookmarking buttons makes it easy for your visitors to share your content with others. It is a good way to increase your link popularity and publicity. Instead of inserting each social bookmark buttons in

Hack orkut using fake login page

I have showed you some ways to hack orkut in my last post 6 ways on how to hack orkut account If you take a look at this post you will find in orkut Hacking techniques i have wrote Phishing(Fake login pages) at the First number.A Fake Login Page is a page that exactly resembles the original login page of sites like Yahoo,Gmail etc.However, these Fake login pages are created just for the purpose


Satu bulan lamanya kita menjalani ibadah saum. Kita selalu berusaha untuk menahan hawa nafsu dan meningkatkan amal dan ibadah dengan satu harapan, Ridho Allah. Semoga Allah menerima amal ibadah kita. Amin. Dan pada kesempatan ini pula, perkenankan saya mengucapkan "SELAMAT HARI RAYA IDUL FITRI 1430 H", MOHON MAAF LAHIR DAN BATIN.

adding favicon to your blog on blogspot

Favicon is a small image showed on the left of address bar , stand for "favorite icon" .Favicon allow webmasters to promote their site ,and reflect the look and feel of the blog or a representation of a company logo . You can see the favicon of SimplexDesign blog is a "S" .To make a favicon ,at first ,you need an icon . Icon can be created by some programs such as photoshop ,pain.net ,iconedit

best stock photo sites for you

Stock Photo sites are the place where the bloggers and websites owners search for good pictures for their articles or for their template design. There are a lot of paid stock photo sites, and a lot of free sites where you can find really/enough good stock photos. You know that most people are using free stock photo sites, but there are and a few who use paid sites. That means that if you want you

how to resize images in your blogger post ?

 In your post ,if image's size larger than layout ,it will be overfloat ,and break the design of your blog .To fix this problem ,we can set a maximum size for images in your post  .If image size larger than this value ,image will be resize automatically ,but still keep proportion .How to do it ? Just as this code in style section of your template . Find the line

Jumat, 18 September 2009

Password hacking software

Learn reality of password hacking softwareemail Hacking Software, Email Hacking Software, Yahoo Password Hacking Software, Hotmail Password Hacking Software,msn hacker,Hotmail hackerDon’t get fooled by these words. Learn the Real of of hacking email passwords. Identify which Hacking Softwares work and which doesn’t. Most of us are very curious about a software that can hack email passwords. In

How to hack twitter accounts

Twitter is one of the topmost widely running social networking sites,Its alexa ranking is 14(As per now).So therefore it is largely becoming target of hackers,Many requests keep coming to me ,please tell us a way to Hack twitter accounts or How to hack twitter accounts,so therefore i today i have written a post on How to hack twitter accountsWell for this purpose i will tell you the most used

Kamis, 17 September 2009

How to make a facebook virus

I heard from many of my friends that a virus is spreading on facebook which delete our accounts,I first thought it could have been a trojan that spread out,Then i found out that its just simple prank to shutdown your pc,Now today i will show you how to make a facebook virus to trick your friendsIn this tutorial I will show you how to make a Facebook virus using simple commands on notepad. .This

pengertian modem

Kini saya akan bahas tentang modem.Modem adalah sebuah hardware yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan ke saluran telpon dan mengakses internet. jadi kalo ga da modem pasti ga bisa internet. modem disini dibagi menjadi dua yaitu :~ modem external. ~ modem internal. tapi sebelum mengenal lebih jauh tentang modem, perlu diketahui bahwa fungsi modem adalah buntuk mengubah signal digital menjadi signal

how to insert any code in your blogspot post

If you write the code directly in your post ,blogspot will render this code and show you only the result of the code . It's sound funny because what you need is showing the code for your readers ,not the result of them .I have a small tip for this problem :-Replace all <> with & g t ; (there's no space in between characters )or you can copy the code ,enter this site ,paste your code here ,and

Naruto 464 (English 17-Pages)

NARUTO | BLEACH | ONE PIECENaruto 464 (English)The Power of Darkness!!CLICK Images to Enlarge Naruto 465 Prediction is up now!! Naruto 465 Prediction is up now!! Naruto 465 Prediction is up now!! Naruto 465 Prediction is up now!! Naruto 465 Prediction is up now!!Naruto 465 Prediction is up now!! Naruto 465 Prediction is up now!!CLICK Images to Read Full Fan-Fic Sasu-Saku and

Pengertian LAN

halo everybody kini aku mau buat artikel yang penting untuk diketahui. khususnya orang TI. Jaringan adalah kumpulan komputer yang saling terhubung. manfaat jaringan adalah ~membagi sumber daya ~komunikasi~rehabilitasi.tapi kali ini saya akn membahas jaringan yang bernmama LAN, ya itulah sebutan untuk sebuah jaringan.LAN adalah jaringan komputer yang jaringannya hanya mencakup wilayah komputer

how to remove blogger navigation bar ?

To remove blogger navigation bar which is in the top of site , open your blogger template ,find this line

Rabu, 16 September 2009

Naruto 464 RAW Spoilers and Predictions

NARUTO 464 │ BLEACH 374 │ ONE PIECE 557Zetsu-san's Poll of the WeekBest NARUTO Couple (or Pairing) NaruHina NaruSaku SasuSaku ShikaTema Sai-Ino NejiTen ShikaIno Show results Check-Out All NARUTO PAIRINGS____________________________________________________________Naruto 464: The Power of Darkness!!CLICK Images to Enlarge Naruto 465 Prediction is up now!! Naruto 465 Prediction is

CSS 3 Cheat Sheet - complete list of all the CSS properties

In this post I present a printable CSS 3 Cheat Sheet (PDF), a complete listing of all the properties, selectors types and allowed values in the current CSS 3 specification from the W3C. Each property is provided in a section that attempts to match it with the section (module) that it is most actively associated within the W3C specification. Next to each property is a listing of the expected

How to run a trial software forever

Today i will show you two ways to hack software and run a trial software forever.Most of us are familiar with many softwares that run only for a specified period of time in the trial mode.Once the trial period is expired these softwares stop functioning and demand for a purchase.But there are ways to run the softwares and make them function beyond the trial period.When these softwares are

Simplex template - free blogger template

It took me 4 days for making this template . I tried to make this look good and professional.This template can show the summary of posts with thumbnails in the homepage ,it can show the latest posts,latest comments,related posts ... automatically .All you need to do when using this template is :upload images to a hosting such as photobucket ,flickr ...Download How to install this template :1 -

How To Host Javascript Or .js files on Blogger Itself

How To Host Javascript Or .js files on Blogger, yes as blogger supports javascript which makes blogger support all the possible hacks in this platform, but the problem we bloggers face in using this is , where to host this javascript on blogger.As blogger doesn't provide any source to host javascript for blog like it has provided picasa for images.As of before we all were using googlepages to

Selasa, 15 September 2009

How to block your friends scrapbook

Learn to block your friends scrapbook in orkutIt will be really scary when you will find out that you are not able to reply to your friends scrap from your own scrapbook. Yes this hack can be used to block anybody’s scrapbook. The best part is that after the scrapbook is blocked nobody can scrap him.Now to block your freinds scrapbook,You just need t paste the below code in your friends

Senin, 14 September 2009

download gambar naruto dan temannya

nich dia gambar naruto yang bagus".....kakashi : (download disini)lambang konoha : download disinibig konohamarub : download disininaruto kyubi : download disininaruto shippuden : download disinisasuke : klik disinikazekage garaa : klik disinifunny itachi : download disinifunny sasuke : download disinisexy temari : download disininaruto rasengan amazing : download disiniakatsuki : klik disini


Judul     : Membuat Website Dengan ASP Dan MS Access Penulis  : Bowo Eko WidodoPenerbit : Andi PublisherEdisi : PertamaTahun Terbit : 2005Stok Buku : 10 buku (ada)Jenis Cover : Soft CoverDimensi : 16x23 cmJml. Halaman : 352 (termasuk indeks/pengantar)Berat Buku : ~ 422 gramKodefikasi : ISBN 979-731-767-6Kategori : Komputer dan Internet,PemrogramanMemiliki sebuah website merupakan idaman dan

Blogspot Sudah Support Fungsi Readmore

Fitur Baru Blogspot, Fungsi Readmore. Akhirnya, setelah sekian lamanya, pada ulang tahun yang ke-10 ini, Blogspot memberi “hadiah” kepada para penggunanya suatu fitur baru berupa fungsi Readmore. Dengan adanya fitur baru tersebut, kini para pengguna blogspot tidak perlu susah-susah lagi mengedit templatenya untuk mendapatkan fungsi readmore, seperti pada postingan sebelumnya, Membuat Readmore

How to Trace ip address of remote computer

Most of you may be curious to know how to trace the IP address of a remote computer or to find the IP address of the person with whom you are chatting in Yahoo messenger or Gtalk or msn.In this post I will tell you How to trace ip address of a remote computer,Well i had been asked this question for a long period and many of users have requested me make a post on How to trace ip address on a

Minggu, 13 September 2009

How to Hack hi5 accounts

Hi5 is one of the most widely used Social Networking website by many teenagers and adults acropss the globe.Its alexa rank is 34.I have seen many cheaters create secret Hi5 accounts in order to exchange messages with another person and have secret relationships. So, it’s no wonder many people want to know how to hack a hi5 account. In this post you’ll fine the real and working ways to hack a hi5.

Sabtu, 12 September 2009

Let’s Do Football Betting

Do you like betting on something? If you like betting on something, you will have to try to do Football Betting. If you are interested in betting on football, you had better bet it on Football Sports Betting. To be able to do Football Betting here, you must join it first. As soon as you have joined, you can start do betting. You can do betting on your favorite team or match. Besides being able to

Top ways to speed up your PC

Top Ways to Speed Up PCI get this question asked daily,"How to speed up your slow pc" OR How to speed up your slow computer"Over time, computers get slower for a variety of reasons: files become disorganized, unnecessary software consumes resources, unused network drives slow startup, or too many programs automatically run at startup. Larger, serious issues can dramatically slow your pc.Now the

The Special One Prediction - Naruto 464

NARUTO 464 │ BLEACH 374 │ ONE PIECE 557It has come to our attention that some weblogs are using same blog title “NARUTO Manga and Spoilers” and same nick, “Naruto Addict“. We are not in anyway connected with them.NARUTO Manga and Spoilers (by: Naruto Addict) is the only weblog given consent by The Special One to re-post all his writings and predictions.Status: PREDICTIONby The Special OneNaruto

Naruto 464 Confirmed Spoilers

NARUTO 464 │ BLEACH 374 │ ONE PIECE 557Zetsu-san's Poll of the WeekBest NARUTO Couple (or Pairing) NaruHina NaruSaku SasuSaku ShikaTema Sai-Ino NejiTen ShikaIno Show results Check-Out All NARUTO PAIRINGS____________________________________________________________Naruto 464: The Power of Darkness!!CLICK Images to Enlarge Naruto 465 Prediction is up now!! Naruto 465 Prediction is

Jumat, 11 September 2009

Mengganti Ikon Hardisk Dalam Hitungan Detik

"Weh! kok ikon hadismu iso ganti ? kowe nganggo Windows XP to ! trus nganngo theme opo? Aku njaluk!" Wah kok ikon hardiskmu bisa ganti? Kamu memakai windows XP to? Terus makai Them Apa? Saya minta! Saat saya mendengar hal tersebut saya tersenyum sambil tertawa dikit takut orang tersebut tersinggung! Haaaaa? Nah bagi anda yang juga mengalami hal tersebut jangan diambil hati atas apa yang saya

Naruto 463 (English)

NARUTO | BLEACH | ONE PIECENaruto 463 (English) Read Naruto 464 Read Naruto 464 Read Naruto 464 Read Naruto 464 Read Naruto 464 Read Naruto 464______________________________________________________CLICK Image to ReadFull FanFic MangaKakashi 's Face Revealed!!Click Image to Read Full MangaCLICK Images to Read Full Fan-Fic Sasu-Saku and Naru-Hina__

Naruto 464 Discussions, Analysis & Predictions

NARUTO 464 │ BLEACH 374 │ ONE PIECE 557Naruto 464: The Power of Darkness!!CLICK Images to Enlarge Naruto 465 Prediction is up now!! Naruto 465 Prediction is up now!! Naruto 465 Prediction is up now!! Naruto 465 Prediction is up now!! Naruto 465 Prediction is up now!!Naruto 465 Prediction is up now!! Naruto 465 Prediction is up now!!___________________________________________

How do i change my ip address

What is an ip address?Every device connected to the public Internet is assigned a unique number known as an Internet Protocol (IP) address. IP addresses consist of four numbers separated by periods (also called a 'dotted-quad') and look something like these numbers are usually assigned to internet service providers within region-based blocks, an IP address can often be used to

Kamis, 10 September 2009

Memasang Layanan Link Exchange Otomatis

Tips Memasang Layanan Link Exchange Otomatis Pada Blog. Pada postingan terdahulu, Tips Trik Blog juga telah mengetengahkan layanan serupa, yaitu Link Me Up, juga Memasang Banner Exchange Swalayan. Dan pada postingan kali ini, Tips Trik Blog akan mengetengahkan layanan lain yang serupa di mana dengan memasang layanan ini pada blog kita maka akan memberikan kesempatan para pengunjung untuk memasang

Join google friend connect

Please Join google friend connectHello friends, this is the special article i made for requesting you to join my community "How to hack" at Google Friends Connect. I thought of establishing a community of all hackers over here. So, i request you to join my community so that you can get the benefit of Google Friend Connect. Friends, you can share your love for "Hacking" by inviting your friends to

Rabu, 09 September 2009

Read More Function Now Finally Made Available By Blogger Team

Finally blogger has launched its read more function in post editor over which the blogger team was working from few months as it was the most demanded feature by all the bloggers.And its just easy to add it in your blog posts while writing.Just keep writing the post in your editor as you do and just insert jumpbrek into it i.e read more function by hitting jumbbreak button provided by updated

Naruto 463 RAW Spoilers and Predictions

NARUTO 463 │ BLEACH 373 │ ONE PIECE 557It has come to our attention that some weblogs are using same blog title “NARUTO Manga and Spoilers” and same nick, “Naruto Addict“. We are not in anyway connected with them.Zetsu-san's Poll of the WeekWho is the Final Villain? Tobi/Madara Uchiha Kabutomaru (Kabuto w/ Orochimaru's power) Sasuke Danzou The Kyuubi An Unknown Villian yet to be introduced

Naruto 464 RAW │ Naruto 464 (English Scans)

NARUTO 464 │ BLEACH 374 │ ONE PIECE 557Naruto 464: The Power of Darkness!!CLICK Images to Enlarge Naruto 465 Prediction is up now!! Naruto 465 Prediction is up now!! Naruto 465 Prediction is up now!! Naruto 465 Prediction is up now!! Naruto 465 Prediction is up now!!Naruto 465 Prediction is up now!! Naruto 465 Prediction is up now!!___________________________________________

How Auto Adjust Images Size In Blogger Posts

How Auto Adjust Images Size In Blogger Posts,yes friends many of us would be daily posting some images in there blogger posts or would have photo blogs and would be tired of giving the width and height to there post images again and again to adjust and look good in there blogs.And dont they think when they will switch to new template the width and height assigned to images in post can create

Selasa, 08 September 2009

hakekat berbangsa dan bernegara

A. Peran Makhluk Sosial dan IndividuManusia sebagai makhluk individu dan makhluk sosialManusia sebagai makhluk individu, adalah hakikat manusia sebagai makhluk yang mempunyai keinginan, kebutuhan, dan perasaan yang berbeda dengan manusia lain.Manusia sebagai makhluk sosial, artinya manusia tidak dapat hidup tanpa bantuan orang lain dalam menjalani kehidupannya. B. Pengertian NegaraNegara adalah

Senin, 07 September 2009

Sports Gambling USA

Besides being a media to find information, Internet is also used to play gambling. We can play any kinds of gambling and one of the most famous ones is sports gambling. In order to play sports gambling, you can visit sportsgamblingusa.com. If you do gambling on sports here, you will not regret because sports gambling USA is considered as the simplest and safest area for sportbook wagering on the

Sabtu, 05 September 2009

Ironside Prediction - Naruto 463

NARUTO │ BLEACH │ ONE PIECENaruto 463 Predictionby: IronsideSasuke is losing control of all thoughs as his hatred is beginning to take control of his body.The Raikage realizes the 'Darkness' in Sasuke and moves to take Sasuke out.Sasuke activates his curse seal and begins to go Berserk attacking friend and foe alike.read other spoilers and predictions at http://naruto-spoilers.blogspot.comKarin

How Change Width And Height Of Blogger Comment Form

How To Change The Width And Height Of Comment form in blogger.As you would have seen some using wide comment form and some using small comment from.As there are no much options in blogger to make changes in the blogger comments form but still there are some alterations like we can make,to alter its width and height.As blogger comment system is not one of the best comment system and blogger team

Kehebatan Otak

Apa aja sich kehebatan dari otak kita? orang cuma organ yang kecil ja!!! bentuknya juga aneh!!! eitsss... jangan salah walaupun bentuknya kecil dan aneh,krhrbatan otak banyak banget lhow!!! lebih dari yang kamu pilirkan. coba baca dibawah ini.Otak anda sungguh ajaib.Ia mempunyai satu triliun sel otak, termasuk 100 miliyar neuron dan 900 miliyar sel lain yang merekatkan,memelihara dan menyelubungi

The Special One Prediction - Naruto 463

NARUTO │ BLEACH │ ONE PIECE NARUTO Manga and Spoilers (by: Naruto Addict) is the only weblog given consent by The Special One to re-post all his writings and predictions.Status: PREDICTIONby The Special OneNaruto 463 Prediction: Sasuke vs. Raikage’s Explosive Finish(Sasuke charges up the Chidori and prepares to clash with Raikage. Time slows down as they near each other.)“The Chidori swords was

Link Exhange

Hai Sahabat Firmanthok, kali ini Firmanthok ingin temen-temen berbagi link dengan Firmanthok. Link Exchange ini saya tujukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas Backlink kita. Kalau sahabat Firmanthok berminat untuk bertukar link dengan saya, silahkan komen dibawah ini ya. :DDaftar Link Sahabat FirmanthokCek-InfoSMS GratisCookies Media1NDONEZIA™TV Online 13 Sandyta COM Computer And AccessorisZONATAEKAP™

How to fix your infected computer

IS your PC infected by virus,spyware etc?,Does your pc much takes time to start?,Are you looking for tools to fix up your infected computer then this post is just for you,I get this question getting asked frequently,"How to fix your infected computer",I have posted here many ways to fix your infected computer and Make it start fasterSteps to fix your Infected computer:Here are some steps you

Jumat, 04 September 2009

Naruto 462 (English )

NARUTO | BLEACH | ONE PIECENaruto 462: Sasuke's DogmaCLICK Images to Enlarge Naruto 463 Predictions & Naruto 462 Discussions Naruto 463 Predictions & Naruto 462 Discussions Naruto 463 Predictions & Naruto 462 Discussions Naruto 463 Predictions & Naruto 462 Discussions Naruto 463 Predictions & Naruto 462 Discussions______________________________________

Kamis, 03 September 2009

Blogger Template | Portfolio Press

Portfolio Press a new blogger template i am going to release today.I like the simplicity of this template.Its good for readers who likes the simple dark background template with beauty in it.The theme has been designed by blog oh! blog who really gives nice wordpress themes.The speciality of the template is that it has a great Vertical navigational menu with search box.As the Layout is very

Rabu, 02 September 2009

Menampilkan Top Post Atau Artikel Terpopuler

MENAMPILKAN TOP POST POSTINGAN TERPOPULER. Agar para pengunjung dapat mengetahui postingan apa saja yang paling popular pada blog kita, kita dapat memasang widget top post pada side bar. Di sini, Tips dan Trik Blog akan mengetengahkan widget yang dapat menampilkan postingan terpopuler (top post) yang saya dapatkan ketika melakukan “blogwalking” di “rumahnya” O-om. Top post (artikel terpopuler)

Table Of Contents Widget For Blogger

Table Of Contents Widget For Blogger,as every blogger wants to create a table of content page or archive page like in wordpress blogs.And since from time many widgets have been provided by many great bloggers and working great.So i will review all the table of contents widget available till now.The widgets are provide by many great bloggers like amanda from bloggerbuster, abu-farhan from