Minggu, 31 Mei 2009

Naruto 450 CONFIRMED Spoiler

Predictions for NARUTO 451 are already up!!Please read Chapter 4501. English2. Spanish3. Portugese4. FrenchAlso read Naruto Chapter 451___________________________________________________________Chapter 450DANZOU THE 6th HOKAGE!!!CLICK Image to Enlarge Also read Naruto Chapter 451 Also read Naruto Chapter 451 Also read Naruto Chapter 451

Welcome Alert Script For Blogger

Alert Script for Blogger,when anybody will visit your website or blog he will get an welcome message before loading your page completely.You can have anything in the message what you want.It can be helpful for you whenever you want to display to your welcoming visitor some message or alert which you can be important for him to get to your blog reading further.I had before shared you with two

Sabtu, 30 Mei 2009

Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails Preview Blogger

Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails Preview for blogspot blog is another hack made avaialble to use by blogosphere,which has made a blogging look really beautiful and proffesional.With the help of these we make blogging look proffessional.Now something about hack as you would be using recent post widget for sure showing post titles but now this widget will be showing images with or without title

Jumat, 29 Mei 2009

Membuat Tulisan Terbalik

Membuat Tulisan Terbalik dengan Flip Text Generator : Setelah melakukan kegiatan “ronda malam” di “rumah mewahnya” Kang Rohman, saya menemukan postingan yang baru yang mungkin sahabat blogger membutuhkannya atau jika pun tidak membutuhkannya, anggaplah sebagai tambahan pengetahuan, yaitu tips membuat tulisan terbalik. Dengan bantuan tool online, Flip Text Generator, hal tersebut sangat mudah dan

Memberi Highlight Pada Teks Tertentu

Menonjolkan Teks Tertentu Dalam Postingan : Sebenarnya Tips dan Trik Blog pernah mengetengahkan tips serupa di sini. Pada tips yang kedua ini, walaupun cara penggunaannya tidak sepraktis yang terdahulu namun kita dapat memperoleh efek/tampilan yang lebih fleksible. Dengan cara mengganti warna background, atau jenis/warna border, jika menginginkan, kita akan mendapatkan hasil tampilan/warna yang

Membuat Format Spasi Teks Tidak Berubah

Membuat Format Spasi Teks Tidak Berubah : Pernahkah kita mengetikkan teks yang telah kita format spasinya sedemikian rupa namun setelah mem-publish-nya format spasinya menjadi rata atau tidak seperti yang kita ketikkan? Begini, kadang-kadang untuk memberi variasi tampilan atas suatu teks/tulisan, kita perlu memberikan spasi sedemikian rupa sehingga tulisan menjadi menjorok ke kanan. Namun apa

Naruto 449 (English)

Naruto 449: Nagato's Last MomentsCLICK Images to Enlarge

Kamis, 28 Mei 2009

ShiverX Prediction - Chapter 450

All ShiverX Fans:Another super nice Ch 450 Prediction! read it only here (http://naruto-spoilers.blogspot.com). ENJOY!!Naruto Shippuden 450 Prediction: - The Return and New Direction - "Naruto looks as Konan starts her journey towards Amegakure"Flashback::::::::"Naruto takes the flowers"Naruto: - My hope will never die as long as I live. This is my promise to you Konan.Konan: - Thank you Naruto.

List Of Search Engines To Submit Your Blog

List of Search Engines,you may submit your site URL to these search engines for Free. If you dont have enough time to submit your site or blog thn submit to the top few leading search engines like google and yahoo or msn or your local engines.This is not the complete list of search engines but are enough to give an start to your blog,as you will find countless amount of search engines on web you

Google Page Rank Update May 2009

Yes Friends today i am so happy to check my pagerank in google toolbar because google has made my pagerank increased from 3 to 4.Its quite a good pagerank.If you haven't checked the page rank of your blog just be fast to check as google has completed the page rank update for for may 2009,the second pr update this year.As one held on 31st dec of 2008 when google gave us the pr of 1 as was

Rabu, 27 Mei 2009

Membuat Link Dalam Satu Halaman

ke bagian bawahMembuat Link Kembali Ke Atas : Jujur, saya merasa kebingungan untuk memberikan judul postingan ini. Yang jelas, tips kali ini dapat kita aplikasikan untuk halaman postingan yang panjang. Kenapa? Ketika kita membaca halaman yang panjang pastilah kita harus melakukan scroll ke bawah dan ke atas untuk membaca semua isi tulisannya dan hal ini dapat menjengkelkan ketika kita harus

Recent Comments Widget For Blogger

How to show more than 5 or 10 Recent Comments in your sidebar to show up.Its just very simple to show up your latest comments as we use to show up our recent posts,but the only difference is the difference of feeds url for both.As we have different feed url for posts and different for comments but the method to use the widget is same.We have two ways to add recent posts widget in your blog and i

Show Page Rank of Your Blogger-Page Rank Widget

You would have seen many blogs showing there page rank in there blogger,as you would be thinking how its possible.Yes friends its simple widget with small piece of codes which we just need to add to our blogger and it will start showing you the pagerank of your blog in your blogger.i hope everybody will be knowing how to add this,and will be thinking why i am posting about it.If you have read my

Tip On How To Increase Your Visitors From Search Engines

Today i am going to share my experience with you or you can take it as trick to increase your visitors.As everybody has been blogging on different niche in which he's good but at one time in a day you would think for sure,today i should blog about which thing,that can give me visitors.Yes friends everybody want to increase the visitors to there blog and try to convert them to there readers as

Selasa, 26 Mei 2009

Free Lenomag Blogger Template

Hi Friends Today you will be going to get a proffessioanl blogger template for free i.e Free Lenomag Blogger Template,for blogspot blogs.This is the other best blogger template provided by us.It was made as an premium template before to be sold but now i and ritesh have decided to distribute it free among you bloggers.As when you will see this template design you will get interested in using this

Tips Membuat Link Image

Tips Membuat Link Image : Daripada kehabisan bahan posting, kali ini Tips dan Trik Blog akan mencoba mengetengahkan cara membuat link image. Yang dimaksud dengan link image di sini adalah link yang berupa gambar atau image yang lainnya di mana ketika kita mengklik gambar atau image tersebut maka kita akan dibawa ke suatu link tertentu. Ikuti tipsnya berikut ini.Langkah-langkah untuk membuat link

Senin, 25 Mei 2009

How Change Background And Text Color Of Blogger

How to Change Background And Text Color Of Blogger template as is very easy task which can be done without any problem.If you still think you really doesn't know anything about codes and to do it is really a big problem then don't miss even a single post from this blogger design series.If you want from start just start reading my all posts on design from beginning which explain all codes to

Show More Than 5 Recent Posts From your Blogger Rss Feed

How To get post description or author name and post date to be shown with title of post altogether if you are using recent post widget for your blog and also show more that 5 posts as blogger feeds restrict you to show upto only 5 posts,but with feedburner you can show all of above with any number of posts you want to show up in your widget.If you just want simple script of codes to extract any

How Check Broken Links In Blog And Website

How to Check Broken Links In your blog or website as if you would have many posts in your blog and its not possible to constantly check for any broken links in your website manually,and its importanat to find the broken links as the post may not be useful without that link.So you just need a program or software to check all your internal and external links in your blog or website for broken

Sabtu, 23 Mei 2009

Greet Box Plugin-Welcome Your Blogger Visitors With Greeting Messages

Wordpress Greet Box Plugin for Blogger,ya this is name by what this widget is known for wordpress.It welcome all your visitors coming to your blog with different greeting messages on your blog with the reference to the site from which they came from to your blog.This Blogger Widget Display a different greeting message to your visitor depending on which site they are coming from.Actually it is

Jumat, 22 Mei 2009

Efek Bunga Bertaburan Pada Blog

Script Efek Blog Bertaburan Bunga : Jika bosan dengan efek yang telah digunakan selama ini, kita dapat mencoba script yang lain, seperti yang akan Tips dan Trik Blog sampaikan berikut ini. Dengan memasang script tersebut, kita akan mendapatkan efek bunga bertaburan pada blog kita. Jika tertarik, silakan ikuti tipsnya berikut ini.Langkah-langkah untuk memasang script tersebut adalah sebagai

Naruto 449 RAW Spoilers and Predictions

Naruto 449 ENGLISH and RAW now up!!Naruto Chapter 449: Nagato's Last MomentsRead: Prediction on Naruto Chapter 450CLICK Images to Enlarge RAWCLICK Images to Enlarge SPOILERS are HERE NOW!!! Read them all!!Read: Prediction on Naruto Chapter 450To those submitting spoilers, please identify yourselvesStatus: Confirmed Spoiler

How Change Fonts And Colors Of Blogger Templates

How To Change Fonts And Colors Of Blogger Templates you are using.This is my 5 th post in my blogger design tutorial series,if you haven't started reading this series then you are not late,as my most important posts will be getting starting from tomorrow which will cover all blogger css codes to give it different looks and how to modify it with there meanings explained.My last posts on blogger

Add Labels Rss Feed Link Button To All Your Blogger Categories

How To Add Rss Feeds Image button in front of all your blogger labels,yes friend now you can add rss feeds button to your each label so that your readers can subscribe to your particular categories only they like the most instead of subscribing for your all blog posts.This is very useful for blogs who have mixed type content with several different categories in there blog.As you would have seen

Kamis, 21 Mei 2009

Feed Urls for Labels-Comments-Particular Posts In Blogger

As you would be knowing the feed url for your blog for sure.Does you know the feed url for your blog comments,ya you may be knowing this too but i think will not be knowing the feed url for your labels and individual blogger post.As you extract your feeds from bloggger feeds ,you can also extract feeds from blogger comments and blogger labels too.I mean to say like you recent post widget for your

How Add Tweet Me (Twitter) Button To Each Blogger Post

How Add Tweet Me Button To Each Blogger Post,as you would have been using this twitter for sure as twitter now has gain much popularity nowadays with increase in its users and a great source of traffic for bloggers.As me too has started using it a lot and i am loving it,its really feel great when see your followers increasing.You can follow me here on twitter.So today i will tell you on how to

Naruto 448 (English)

Naruto 448: MementoCLICK Images to Enlarge Please read discussions and predictions for Naruto Chapter 449 Please read discussions and predictions for Naruto Chapter 449

Floating (Fixed) Adds Widget For Blogger

Floating (Fixed) Adds Widget For Blogger,as you have seen in many blog the fixed size button or any image in the blog page that remains at the same place in the blog i.e at the fixed place on the blog.The place of that object doesn' have any effect even of on the page down effect.It is fixed and is known as floating add widget for blogger.For demo you can check see the twitter image at left of my

Rabu, 20 Mei 2009

Membuat Judul Postingan Menjadi Judul Blog

Membuat Judul Postingan Menjadi Judul Blog : Ketika kita membuka halaman suatu blog, kita akan melihat judul blog diikuti dengan judul postingan pada title bar pada browser yang kita gunakan. Sebagai contoh, ketika kita membuka postingan “Pengaturan Tampilan Komentar Autor Blog” pada blog ini maka kita akan melihat tampilan “Tips dan Trik Blog : Pengaturan Tampilan Autor Blog” pada title

How To Change Title Tags For Blogger

How to change title tags for blogger,my third post to blogger template design series.Title tags for blogger play most vital role in search engine optimization.Today i will hold the tutorial on title tags and various ways on how to add these tags and what effect it makes to seo with various demos and pictures to make it all clear.Let me first tell you, this post is the part of my blogger design

Senin, 18 Mei 2009

How To Add Meta Tags To Blogger Blog

How to Add Meta Tags To Blogger,as this is second post of my blogger design series.As you would be knowing what importance is of adding meta tags to blogger if not,you should know.Meta tags tell bots about your keywords and tags you use so as to your blog get emphasized on those keywords which will help you to get better results in engines for those keywords.To get learn from beggining from xml

Internet Marketing

We all know that Internet is the most advanced invention in the world. Almost all people in the world now use Internet for many kinds of purposes; browsing data or information their study or job, shopping or buying products online, studying online, promoting online and many more. Right now, many individuals, companies or those who have products to sell, use Internet as their media to sell and

Minggu, 17 Mei 2009

Naruto 448 RAW Spoilers and Predictions

Please read discussions and predictions for Naruto Chapter 449Chapter 448: MEMENTOCLICK to Enlarge Please read discussions and predictions for Naruto Chapter 449 Please read discussions and predictions for Naruto Chapter 449 RAWCLICK Image to Enlarge Please read discussions and predictions for Naruto Chapter 449

Top Posts Widget For Blogger By Post rank

Top Post Widget For Blogger,this widget shows the top post of you blogger.Now question comes on which criteria it shows the top post.You would have seen many widgets like these,some show up on basis of comments and some on popularity of post.But the top post widget by post rank is great.If you searching for popular post widget based on post with maximum comments visit this link and get it.Now the

Sabtu, 16 Mei 2009

Xml Declaration Codes For Bloggers

So now today we will start from the the first line of the codes so that not only you could design a template but know the exact meaning of each and every line in blogger template and learn xml.First i request you to please create a new demo blog with any name in your blogger account and choose a minima template (First template in Template Lists By Google) as its layout to learn the tutorials.Then

Search For Fixed Size Images In Google Image Search

Hi Friends today i will tell a great tip to you on how to search for any image of any particular size you want on google image search.As i always use to search for the images on google image search sometimes for my funny blog or sometimes to get some free logos or fixed size banners when i am in hurry and dont have time to design one.And you for sure sometime may get in need of doing any related

Windows 7 Beta performance - Comparison to Microsoft Windows Vista.....

Generally speaking, the performance is almost identical to Vista with an exception made for gaming, but we're putting that down to driver optimisations at the moment.For the most part the benchmarks flicker back and forth between Vista and Windows 7 with no outright winner. There are a few concerns we have at this time though - file compression tests are notably and consistently slower and

Sexy Auto Hide Social Bookmarking Widget For Blogger

Sexy Auto Hide Social Bookmarking Widget For Blogger,this is most sexy bookmarking widget of all as from before used by all bloggers.Actually i saw this widget some days ago on one blogger blog using it,then thought of posting it but forgot to post.Then today i checked the bloggerstop[dot]net and found him placing a tutorial on this sexy bookmarking widget.So thought of sharing with my readers

Jumat, 15 Mei 2009

Blogger Design Tutorials Series

Hi friends how are you,hope everything will be fine.Yesterday i was thinking how to help my blogger readers and other bloggers more to help in making there blog more beautiful and design it according to there own wishes as they want so as they can install any widget and hack at any place in there blog they want.So i am planning to start a blogger design series on how to design a blogger template

Masashi Kishimoto Interview by Naruto Collector

NARUTO │ BLEACH │ ONE PIECERead All Masashi Kishimoto InterviewsCLICK Images to Enlarge Naruto Collector: If you weren't the creator of Naruto and were simply a fan of the manga, which character's poster would be your first choice to put up in your bedroom?Masashi Kishimoto: I'd prefer a female character, so maybe Tsunade, and maybe one of Naruto performing the Ninja Centerfold Jutsu

Pengaturan Tampilan Komentar Autor Blog

Tips Membuat Komentar Pemilik Blog Berbeda : Walaupun sudah banyak blogger yang membahas tentang tema yang satu ini, Tips dan Trik Blog tetap “nekad” untuk mempostingnya, siapa tahu masih ada para pengunjung yang masih membutuhkannya. Dengan tips tersebut, kita akan membuat tampilan komentar pemilik blog yang berbeda dengan komentar yang dilakukan oleh pengunjung blog. Jika tertarik, silakan

Kamis, 14 Mei 2009

Tips Membuat Seleksi Teks

Tips Membuat Seleksi Teks : Dengan tips tersebut, kita dapat memberikan kemudahan kepada para pengunjung yang ingin melakukan seleksi atas teks tertentu yang memang sengaja siapkan untuk tujuan tersebut. Salah satu contoh penggunaan “fasilitas” tersebut adalah dapat kita aplikasikan pada sarana tukar link (link exchange). Dengan menambahkan “fasilitas” tersebut akan memudahkan para pengunjung

Show Blogger Post Date As In Calender Form Widget

How to Show Blogger Post Date as in the calender form.As its an option by google to show the date of your blogger post at the bottom of the post or below the title of the post,just you have to select that you want to show up the date or not.As i am not in the habbit of showing the date of my blogger post.But with this calender widget you will love to show up the date of blogger post.Lets watch an

Bertuah Award 2009

Mendapatkan Anugerah Bertuah Award 2009 : Wah, seneng dan terharu mendapatkan award "Bertuan Award 2009" ini. Terima kasih saya ucapkan kepada Computer-Tech atas penghargaan yang tidak pernah saya duga sebelumnya. Kemudian dengan award ini, semoga menjadikan pemicu semangat untuk terus berkarya dalam bidang per-blog-an ini. Semoga!! Sekali lagi, terima kasih!!! Berikut award yang saya terima dari

Menghiasi Blog dengan Widget Kurs Mata Uang Asing

Widget Kurs Mata Uang Rupiah Terhadap Mata Uang Asing : Pada postingan kali ini, perkenankanlah Tips dan Trik Blogging untuk mengetengahkan widget yang menampilkan konverter Mata Uang Rupiah terhadap mata uang beberapa Negara asing. Widget ini merupakan layanan yang disediakan secara gratis oleh http://fx-rate.net/ yang dapat kita gunakan untuk “menghiasi” blog kita terutama blog yang berhubungan

How to manually remove Trojan Horse

A Trojan, sometimes referred to as a Trojan horse, is non-self-replicating malware that appears to perform a desirable function for the user but instead facilitates unauthorized access to the user's computer system. Is trojan virus Dangerous?The short answer is yes, and the long answer is sometimes, because there are near a thousand different trojan horse viruses and they all will most likely

Rabu, 13 Mei 2009

Tips Menghilangkan Border Image

Tips Menghilangkan Border Image : Sebelum menginjak kepada tema tersebut, mungkin kita perlu “menyamakan” pemahaman tentang border ini. Yang dimaksud border di sini adalah garis yang mengelilingi suatu image yang kita upload ke halaman blog. Sehubungan dengan border tersebut, setiap blogger mempunyai kebiasaan atau kesukaan yang berbeda, sebagian lebih yang menyukai image berborder dan sebagian

Naruto 447 (English)

Naruto 447: BelieveCLICK Images to Enlarge

How Show Adsense Adds In Middle Of Blogger Posts

How To Show Adsense Adds In Between Of Blogger Posts,yup its right,you can now show adsense adds between the blogger posts.Just what you have to do is to select at which posrion of the middle of the post you want adsense adds to be shown up and adsense add will be shown up itself.No need to add the adsense codes manually in between the posts.You can also add adsense codes at the start of blogger

How Show Adsense Adds At Start And End Of Blogger Posts

How Show Adsense Adds At Start And End Of Blogger Posts,yes friends you would have seen adsense adds at the start and end of the blogger posts in all of the todays blogger,as it gives more clicks to bloggers and help them in earning more revenue from adsense.So i will tell you on how to add adsense add in you blog to show up at beginning of post and one a the end of the post.Just First Get the

How Add Email This Post Button Below Blogger Posts

Many of you would have seen email this post button below blogger posts and print button too,but do you know how to add this email this post button below each post of blogger.If yes then its great and if not ,then you are at right place to learn about it.As you can add this in many ways below blogger posts and i will let you know about all of them.First one and the simple one.Just got to Blogger

Selasa, 12 Mei 2009

Related Posts Widget With Thumbnail Preview For Blogger

Related Posts Widget With Thumbnail Preview For Blogger,as we all use related posts hack to show of the related posts in particular category below our posts as this helps our readers to move through our pages easily.The basic difference is that this widget adds thumbnail from that particular posts as of previous related posts widget just show of the link to post.You can see how the thumbmnails

Blogger Buster Style Blogger Template Design

All would be knowing amanda from blogger buster blog,the best blog on internet for blogger tutorials and hacks.And what to say about the blogger template she's using on her blog,its very simple but different from all other bloggers.Some love her design and would be interested to use it on there blog.As we have not designed the exact design used by amanda but this templates has been designed

Senin, 11 Mei 2009

Naruto Chapter 447 (CONFIRMED SPOILER)

Naruto 447 CONFIRMED SPOILER read below:Read Naruto 447 EnglishItalian TranslationFrench TranslationPortugese TranslationSpanish TranslationChinese TranslationIndonesian TranslationChapter 447 Summary RAW SCANNED Italian Translation:by: idolTraduzione: Juin Jutsu TeamHanzou ordina l'uccisione di nagato. Un Ninja della pioggia che si era nascosto appare.Nagato respinge il

Sabtu, 09 Mei 2009

Woork Style Blogger Template Design

Woork Style Blogger Template,you would have been knowing woork for sure,as if not he is pro blogger from rome italy and famous for his great works and tutorials.He uses twitter and delicious for driving traffic to his blog a most and is great at doing it,and what to say about his blogger template design, i like his design the most as is unique on blogger.so today i will share his blog design

Jumat, 08 Mei 2009

Kamis, 07 Mei 2009

Mengkustomasi Tampilan Teks Pada Title Bar

Mengkustomasi Tampilan Teks Pada Title Bar : Pada kesempatan ini, Tips dan Trik Blog akan mengetengahkan script yang dapat kita gunakan untuk mengkustomasi tampilan teks yang akan muncul pada title bar. Teks atau tulisan tersebut akan bergerak ke kiri (scroll) satu kali. Bingung!!! Dari pada bingung lebih baik ikuti tipsnya berikut ini dan langsung mempraktekkannya. Langsung to the point saja,

How Add Retweet Button To Blogger Posts

How To Add Retweet Button To Blogger Posts,retweet button is for website and blog publishers that want to encourage their audience to retweet their content on twitter.And if your content is good and gets retweeted from some good members then traffic to your blog is really enormous.Its a great source of traffic.I love it.Twitter is being used by many bloggers to promote their blogs. This donesn't

Rabu, 06 Mei 2009

Menampilkan Jam Pada Title Bar

Script Untuk Menampilkan Jam Pada Title Bar : Dengan script ini kita dapat menampilkan jam digital sederhana pada title bar. Jangan kuatir karena display jam tersebut tidak akan menindih judul dokumen yang sedang kita buka. Justru dengan jam display jam yang berada di atas akan memudahkan kita dan para pengunjung untuk melihatnya. Jika tertarik, silakan ikuti tipsnya bersama Tips dan Trik Blog

Selasa, 05 Mei 2009

Pengaturan dan Kustomasi Judul Sidebar

Pengaturan dan Kustomasi Judul Sidebar : Sepertinya banyak blog yang telah membahas tentang tema ini namun tidak ada salahnya jika Tips dan Trik Blog mempostingnya juga, siapa tahu ada di antara para blogger atau pengunjung yang belum mengetahuinya. Jika tertarik, silakan ikuti tipsnya bersama Tips dan Trik Blog berikut ini.Kini, memperoleh template gratis yang bagus-bagus di internet adalah hal

Where Upload (.js) Files Free-Javascript Files Hosting Sites List

Where to upload the .js files or javascript files so as can be used by us for running it succesfully without bandwidth problems.As i post many hacks and tricks with the usage of .js files,i was having many accounts on googlepages and geocities and use to share that bandwidth and storage with my readers but after the upcoming news that both the google and yahoo have decided to close there services

Senin, 04 Mei 2009

Join Our Active Digg Circle

Hi friends,how are you,hope everything thing would be fine.Today i am going to discuss about social bookmarking site digg,you all must be aware of,its the best social bookmarking site i have ever seen in terms of traffic you can drive from it.It can give you thousand of hits to your blog just in hours.Requirements For Getting This Traffic on Digg:-1)One Nice Post on your blog with should be

Minggu, 03 Mei 2009

IPL Points Table

IPL Points Table 2009,IPL Points Table 2009 of all the latest matches that were played between all the eight teams of ipl named Royal Challengers,Mumbai Indians,Rajasthan Royals,Kings eleven,Deccan Chargers,Knight Riders,Dare Devils and Superkings.The event is being organized in South Africa this time, it has not lost any of its glamour and sheen. We will keep you updated with the latest team

Horizontal Multi Level Drop Down Sub Menu Links Blogger

Horizontal Multi Level Drop Down Sub Menu Links Blogger,you can show submenus in drop down form in top menu of your blogger as this is drop down menu to show of the subcategories under the certain category to make of the browsing for the reader easy and simple to find what he wants,as this was used in wordpress blogs but now you can use it in blogger blogspot too.Demo of Horizontal Multi Level

Sabtu, 02 Mei 2009

Free Image Hosting Sites List

List of Free Image Hosting Sites,as we have been using many free image hosting sites like photobucket,picasa,imaghack,flickr and many more to upload our pictures to them all these sites are provide free hosting of our images but they dont provide unlimited space and bandwidth,so i would like to share some sites with you so as to meet your needs or can distribute your bandwidth and space on other

Add LinkList As Horizontal Top Menu Links For Blogger

Add LinkList As Horizontal Top Menu Links For Blogger,as i took the tutorials many times on how to add top menu links for blogger or horizontal menu links for blogger below the header of the blog to display of your important blog links.As this tutorial is also same to add top menu links but difference is that this time a link list widget will be added in your blogger layout below your blogger

Jumat, 01 Mei 2009

How Show Blogger Widget Only In Posts-Homepage-Archive Pages

How to Show Blogger Widget Only In Home Page Or Post Pages of blogger,as you have seen in wordpress blog its your wish to what widget and what add you want to show in sidebar of that page but this service cant be used in blogger as all sidebar bar widgets are linked to all pages in blogger including home page but now you can select the option which sidebar widget you want to show in blogger

ShiverX Prediction - Chapter 447

Read all of ShiverX Predictions only here at http://naruto-spoilers.blogspot.comNaruto Shippuden 447 Prediction - The Greatest Pain. Rain Stop, AwakeningNagato:- He fell on that day, by my hand and his own will. I realized my answer meant nothing in the face of hatred. We tried to do things the right way but in the end the love we felt for each-other was our biggest weakness.Bonds create openings

Automatic Read More Hack For Blogger With Thumbnail

Automatic Read More Hack For Blogger With Thumbnails i.e expandable post hack for blogger with thumbnail of image used in blogger posts and all this work is done by the script automatically,you just dont need to locate your image the script will do all work for you automatically.Just you have to write your post and publish it with one image in post related to post.If you dont want to add

Memanfaatkan Marquee Untuk Beriklan

Memanfaatkan Marquee Untuk Beriklan : Sepertinya sudah banyak bahasan tentang marquee ini, namun pada kesempatan kali ini Tips Trik Blog masih ingin mengetengahkannya lagi untuk aplikasi yang lain lagi. Jika para pengunjung pernah berkunjung di Tips dan Trik Komputer mungkin para pengunjung akan melihat teks berjalan di bawah header yang mempromosikan link tertentu. Nah, jika para pengunjung